Danphill Kioko

Oct 3, 20222 min

My Kennedy Experience!

Updated: Nov 21, 2022

I am Danphill Kioko Nthei, aged 15; I recently completed my high school journey! Approximately 12 years ago I was “born” into this venturesome, affectionate and inclusive family, Kennedy School! The experience has been rather hectic with all the teachers having a monstrous amount of hope and quality expectations that moulded my personality and even the standards that I have for myself! From sitting at the gate to wait for the school bus to drop me home the minute I got to school to now being scared of leaving the family that brought me up, unlocked my potential and inspired me to dream.

The IGCSE experience has been unreal. Filled with a blend of emotion that makes it memorable. Including wanting to give in to the midnight assignments that Coach Steve hopes to see in the morning or the AKAD essays (not less than 500 words) Dr Weche expected after each and every session. At times weeks would go by right in front of my eyes without me even realising it, this was the first time I ever felt like a human-robot hybrid. As soon as 2022 started everything seemed to slow down, the teachers had done their part and the wheel was now in our hands. We all drifted into our own pockets of realisation, focus and revision. In the first week of May we began to tackle the last thing in our way of the three-month summer break; the IGCSE exams.

The first few days of exams were frenetic, getting home at the further end of the PMs with a paper early the next morning. Due to the early preparation though, none of us was fazed by the tough conditions. However, halfway through the exams, the all-mighty Expressway was open, and wow! It made everything we went through worth it and of course, it was the highlight of the day (I’m speaking for everyone!). With the experience way smoother the month zoomed by and we were on our last exam paper on June 10th. It didn’t feel real then and neither does it now.

It gives me the chills when I remember where we all came from with this big family that has allowed me to express myself through golf and cultivate my photography obsession.

Thank you, team Kennedy, for your persistent support and mentorship (now known as ‘Kipepeo’)!

Once in Kennedy always in Kennedy!
